Our Events can be viewed on the Fashion Studies Channel at the Graduate Center.
Cultural Capital Initiative
Fashion Studies was part of the Cultural Capital Initiative at The Graduate Center during 2013-14 Academic Year: Cultural Capital Home Page
Performing Femininity
Please click here to see the video of Performing Femininity.
Panel on Fashion and Politics
February 26, 2013. Please click here to view the Video.
Fashion, Hacked: Liberation Through Participation
Feb 28, 2013, 5:30pm | Room 9206-9207
Susan Buck–Morss, Hazel Clark, Jessamyn Hatcher, Kyoo Lee, Sarah Scaturro, Elizabeth Wissinger, Eugenia Paulicelli
How is our clothing a purveyor of our political ideologies and related social values? Fashion is embedded in global and local markets and implicated in cultural change, sexual codes, and social progress. As the fashion industry takes account of these issues, in what ways might it respond? How, for instance, might new technologies in the fashion industry improve the industry’s environmental impact? Join panelists from a variety of disciplines as they discuss the ways that fashion influences the global economy, and expresses political, religious and ethical choices.
Cosponsored by the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies Program, Women’ Studies Certificate Program, the Italian Trade Commission’ Fashion of the Vine Project, and Women’s Studies Quarterly.
Fashion Studies Today: History, Theory and Practice
An International Multidisciplinary Conference
Organized jointly by Fashion Studies at the CUNY Graduate Center (MALS & IDS) and The Department of Art and Art professions, Costume Studies @ New York University
Friday May 4, 9:15am – 6:00pm @ The Graduate Center (Room 9205)
Saturday May 5, 9:30am – 5:30pm @ NYU, Department of Art and Art Professions, 34 Stuyvesant Street, Einstein Auditorium, First floor
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